Esther 03 - Esther's Banquet and Mordecai's Honor - Audio

In the audio teaching, we cover Esther Chapters 5-6. With Mordecai, Esther, her maids, and all the Jews of Shushan fasting, we see a release of God's power and favor on these chapters. Esther is so confident of the king's acceptance that she prepares a banquet in advance. She immediately wins his favor. Haman displays amazing pride and arrogance and builds a gallows for Mordecai. Chapter 6 is perhaps the greatest chapter in Esther for the providence and intervention of God. The king cannot sleep; Haman walks into a humiliating situation, and Mordecai is honored by his mortal enemy. Haman's downfall begins. The PDF lecture notes and PowerPoint file for this teaching are also here along with the video recording.