Romans 04 - Slaves of God to Obedience - Video

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This is a verse by verse video teaching of Romans 6:12-23. This is now our fourth class in our study of Romans Chapters 5-8. In these verses, Paul gives us the important practical instruction for how to live the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. The absolute key is to "present yourselves" or "present your bodies" or "present your members" each day to God for righteousness and holiness. The abundance of grace and God's gift of righteousness through Jesus will allow you to dominate sin and live a holy life. We have been freed from sin and its slavery and now we are slaves of obedience, slaves of righteousness, and slaves of God. Obedience leads to sanctification, sanctification leads to eternal life. We don't want wages; we want the free gift of God through Jesus Christ. There are also lecture notes, homework, PowerPoint, and audio files available here.