Romans 06 - Sin Dwells in Me - Video

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This is a verse by verse video teaching of Romans 7:13-25. This is our sixth video of our series through Romans Chapters 5-8. This is one of the most controversial parts of Romans because Christians don't agree if Paul was a believer, an unbeliever, or a pious Jew when he wrote this section. Nevertheless, Paul writes of his frustration and perplexity because he doesn't understand why he did what he hated, and didn't do what he willed. He comes to understand that "sin dwells within me" and "evil is present with me." He sees that there is "a war" around his mind, as the law of sin makes him a prisoner. Like all Christians, Paul must acknowledge his wretchedness as he lives in a "body of death." It is only through Jesus Christ our Lord that He sees the victory and light. Nevertheless, as long as we live in this mortal body there will always be a struggle and fight against sin in our lives. The lecture notes, homework, PowerPoint, and audio files are available here.