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Alpha Boot Camp - 14 Lessons New
May 3, 2017
This is our complete training course for those who want to be involved in our church ministry. It includes homework and a spiritual gifts test or questionnaire that helps identify your areas of strength and weakness. Ideal for adult Sunday classes or one-on-one discipleship.
Biblical Interpretation Seminar
May 4, 2017
This seminar was taught by Dr. Tim Geddert at the Central Valley School of Ministry. It is a series of 6 MP3 audio files and associated PowerPoint file. It is a background study from the gospel of Mark and how to properly interpret the Bible.
End-Times Seminar
May 1, 2017
This is the End-Times Seminar taught by Pastor Charlie in various churches, conferences and seminar sessions. There are 12 associated files with this seminar including 10 MP3 audio files plus a complete seminar outline and homework assignments.
Evangelism Seminar
May 8, 2017
This Evangelism Seminar was taught to Pastors and church leaders on the island nation of Jamaica. Covers some of the most important aspects to true evangelism in the local church. Includes a detailed course outline.
False Teaching Seminar
February 13, 2019
This false teaching seminar was taught at the Central Valley School of Ministry. It includes a 10-page written outline, PowerPoint file, and 5 audio files - 4 taught by Pastor Charlie and one by Carlos Raines.
Having Sex with Your Boyfriend Seminar
May 3, 2022
This seminar includes 20 MP3 and video files plus the PowerPoint and student lecture notes for the YouTube seminar based on Pastor Charlie's book, "Having Sex with Your Boyfriend."
Heaven & Hell Seminar
May 3, 2017
This seminar was taught in response to Rob Bell’s disastrous book, “Love Wins.” There are 14 associated files including PowerPoint, PDF written outlines, and MP3 audio files on subjects like perdition, the lake of fire, the everlasting fire, and responding to Rob Bell. We are also presently teaching the series of messages on heaven. There are currently 6 heaven audio teachings and outlines.
Jude Seminar
January 25, 2023
This seminar includes the 10-page PDF lecture notes that follow the 143-slide PowerPoint file. There are 6 MP3 audio and 6 YouTube video files with this seminar. All 25 verses of the book of Jude are covered. Teacher: Pastor Charlie Avila
Maintaining Sound Doctrine - CVSOM
April 4, 2023
This seminar was taught by Pastor Charlie Avila at the Central Valley School of Ministry at Legacy Christian Church. This seminar includes the student outlines, PowerPoint files, MP3 audio, and YouTube videos. Evangelist Dennis McCourt taught the Hyper-Grace session.
Making Disciples One on One
September 8, 2022
This seminar is based on the book, "Making Disciples One on One," by Charlie Avila. There are 18 MP3 audio and 18 video files along with the PowerPoint and lecture note files. The seminar was taught by Pastor Charlie Avila.
The Christian and Anger Seminar
July 12, 2022
This seminar has all 16 audio and video messages based on the book, "The Christian and Anger," written by Pastor Charlie Avila.
The Christian and Witchcraft Seminar
June 1, 2022
This teaching covers the 17 chapters of Pastor Charlie's book on "The Christian and Witchcraft." It includes the lecture notes, PowerPoint file, and 17 MP3 audio and video files.
Training Children for the Lord
March 30, 2019
This teaching has a written outline, audio and video portions. We give clear practical instruction on how to train and teach children in the ways of the Lord from ages 0 to 18 years of age.
Witness Breakthrough Seminar
May 7, 2017
Nationally known Evangelist Ted Sprague from Atlanta, Georgia, gave 6 inspiring messages on witnessing at the Central Valley School of Ministry.
Witnessing to Jehovah Witnesses
January 16, 2020
In this important evangelistic teaching, we cover what Jehovah's Witnesses believe about themselves, how they view other Christians, their history, their theology, and finally, who to witness to a JW. The course notes and PowerPoints slides are also available here.
Worship Seminar
May 7, 2017
Internationally known worship leader and song writer, Eddie Espinosa, who wrote the song, "I Exalt Thee," conducts a worship seminar at the Central Valley School of Ministry. There are 5 audio teachings.