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True Woman 201 Honor - Audio
April 3, 2019
Titus 2:3 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not giving too much wine, teachers of good things.
A godly woman makes the Lord Jesus Christ her life. She commits to reverence and honor Him in every aspect of her life. Anything less devaluates Christs sacrifice.
True Women 201 Honor - Video
April 4, 2019
Titus 2:3 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not giving too much wine, teachers of good things.
A godly woman makes the Lord Jesus Christ her life. She commits to reverence and honor Him in every aspect of her life. Anything less devaluates Christs sacrifice.
Turning Your Trials Into Victories
March 25, 2022
Leonor gave a powerful teaching on how we can turn our trials into victory in these last days by allowing God's strength to dwell in us and let the Holy Spirit work through us. She explained in depth the destructive effect that fear has if we allow it to come in. She shared Scripture of things that are essential to know and apply to help you overcome fear and turn your trials into victory. She shared from Scripture what Paul and Jesus...
United We Fall - Audio
September 6, 2018
1 Cor 11:11 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. In this lesson Leonor spoke of how each of us woman or man are held responsible and accountable to the father for our choices and actions.
United We Fall - Video
September 6, 2018
1 Cor 11:11 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. In this lesson Leonor spoke of how each of us woman or man are held responsible and accountable to the father for our choices and actions.
Unthankful and Unholy
September 11, 2023
Victory in Your Personal Battle Zone – Video
July 16, 2021
Christians are in a war, but some don’t know it or understand that there is a battle being waged. In this teaching, Leonor show in scripture when the war began; how Jesus is involved, and that each Christian has a ‘Personal Battle Zone’ where they are stationed in the army of the Lord. She helps give understanding to the commands given in the Word of God regarding ‘have dominion over’ and ‘to subdue the earth’. For more Women’s...
We Walk By Faith Not By Sight
October 15, 2021
In this teaching we learned that the Law was given to Moses and Leonor gave examples of how the rituals were done using the 5 senses and that Jesus Christ gave us a new commandment that has nothing to do with feelings, smell, taste etc but with love which is commitment. We don't walk by feelings but we walk in the Spirit in the knowledge of Truth that we know. She gave examples of how Paul walked by faith rather than by sight and how he...
What Kind of Old Woman do I Want to be Video
April 24, 2019
Psalm 92:14
Leonor spoke to us on living life of reverence onto our Lord Jesus Christ through our behavior. it does not happen overnight it is a process it takes time to cultivate a truly godly reverent spirit but doing so will keep us giving fruit in our old age
What Kind of Old Woman do I Want to be - Audio
April 25, 2019
Psalm 92:14 Leonor spoke to us on living life of reverence onto our Lord Jesus Christ through our behavior. it does not happen overnight it is a process it takes time to cultivate a truly godly reverent spirit but doing so will keep us giving fruit in our old age
What We Find When We Comfort Others – Cindy Avila
September 12, 2021
Cindy shared how God searched for some who would stand in the gap and how God uses His people to help those who are suffering. Example Moses ,Aaron and Job. It's not how much we have but that we give. She shared stories of how God blessed those that gave whatever they had. Job when he prayed for his friends, the widow woman gave the last of her food and when they helped others they themselves were blessed. We go through hardships so...
When God Speaks: Liz Baines — Audio
July 24, 2020
We had prepared for a retreat expecting to meet Him at the mountain to. We then experienced a global pandemic. What mountains are found in scripture? Mt. Ararat, Mt. Carmel, At. Olivet. God has met us at mountain tops, but it is in the walk up and thru the rising seas. It is not just His revelation on the mountain but it is what He is speaks to us on a daily basis. He speaks to us in the moments by moments of our lives. Scripture focus is:...
When You Walk Through The Fire – Video
January 7, 2021
Leonor gives an encouraging message using Isaiah 43:1-2, and using stories in the Bible to shows that God is still the same. Just as He was with the Israelites at the Red Sea and the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace, He will be with His children when they walk through the waters and the fires which are tribulations and persecution. Leonor shares many scriptures to strengthen and encourage you to not give into temptation but to trust...
Where is Your Heart - Audio
October 16, 2019
1 Samuel 17:45 In the name of the Lord Almighty. Liz expounded on David’s confidence in the Lord. Man looks at the outer appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.
Where is Your Heart? - Video
October 16, 2019
1 Samuel 17:45 In the name of the Lord Almighty. Liz expounded on David’s confidence in the Lord. Man looks at the outer appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.
Who is Rooting For You – Part 2
April 13, 2022
Leonor explained the importance of knowing the persons that you are connecting with. Using Paul and Timothy as an example to Connect with those that can be entrusted with the truth that we learned from the grace that is in Christ. She taught us why Timothy kept bumping into hurdles and what we should do to learn to jump over our hurdles, by keeping our eyes on the prize and not on the hurdles. She shared how too much knowledge without the...
Why Am I Crying? Speaker: Liz Baines
April 27, 2024
When Mary went to the cave where Jesus' body was and she couldn't find Him she cried and asked the gardener, where did you put my Master? Jesus responded Mary here I Am. Today when we are in our darkest hour and we cry feeling like Jesus is gone, He is asking us, Why Are We Crying? He's not dead, He is with us. John 20: 11-16 Speaker: Liz Baines
Willing Vessels in His Hands
April 16, 2023
For each era and each dispensation Father God had chosen vessels that He used to carry out His plan. These days, He chose us believers to be His vessels to carry the light of the Gospel to a broken, unsaved world. Leonor gave examples of some who God chose to show us where to start to be that vessel He wants to use. His light is in us and we must let it shine.
Willing Vessels in His Hands Part 2
April 24, 2023
God chose the believers to be His vessels used to share the light of the gospel to help others become the light. Leonor shared in-depth 7 points supported by Scripture that we should practice until they become second nature to us so we will be effective vessels for Father God. Walk in the armor of God and share the Light.
Wings of Prayer
October 24, 2019
A review of what we have been taught on the 7 Pieces of the Armor of God. What each one is, what it does, why it is necessary to put on the whole Armor of God. The effects of each piece when used in Spiritual battle and victorious Christian walk.