False Teaching Seminar

This false teaching seminar was taught at the Central Valley School of Ministry. It includes a 10-page written outline, PowerPoint file, and 5 audio files - 4 taught by Pastor Charlie and one by Carlos Raines.

Balaam - The Prototype False Prophet
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This is the PowerPoint file with all 30 slides used in the teaching on Balaam - The Prototype False Prophet. This teaching includes a 2-page outline, MP3 audio files, and YouTube video file, which are all available here. Teacher: Pastor Charlie Avila.
Balaam - The Prototype False Prophet - Audio
Filesize: 26.26MB Downloads: 740 Download as File
This is the MP3 audio file of the teaching, Balaam - The Prototype False Prophet. This teaching covers the life and history of Balaam in Numbers Chapters 22-25 and many associated verses in Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Nehemiah, Micah, 2 Peter, Jude, and Revelation. The 2-page outlines,...
Balaam - The Prototype False Prophet - Outline
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This is the two page outline in PDF format for the teaching on Balaam - The Prototype False Prophet. It includes the fill-in section the follows the PowerPoint file used in the lecture. The PowerPoint, MP3 audio, and video file for this teaching are all available here. Teacher: Pastor Charlie...
Balaam - The Prototype False Prophet - Video
This video teaching covers the story of Balaam in Numbers 22-25. We see that Balaam is the false prophet par excellence - when you've seen him, you'll recognize all the others. Balaam brought in sexual immorality, he was greedy for profit, and he was very arrogant and proud. The Gold,...
False Teaching Seminar 01 - A PowerPoint
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This is the PowerPoint file used during Pastor Charlie's teaching of this seminar. It includes all the fill-in answers for the outline and 47 slides with graphics, quotes, Scripture references, and pictures used in the seminar.
False Teaching Seminar 01 - An Outline
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This is the 10-page outline used by Pastor Charlie for this seminar. Please download this PDF and print it before listening to the audio files, as this outline follows closely the audio teachings. It includes the information presented in all four sessions.
False Teaching Seminar 01 - Audio
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Starting with Peter's masterful teaching on false teachers in 2 Peter Chapter 2, we cover the first five pages of the outline. Who are the false prophets and false teachers? What do they teach? We have have been warned by the apostles and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself that they are coming. ...
False Teaching Seminar 01 - Video
This is the first session of the False Teaching Seminar for the Central Valley School of Ministry. Starting with Peter's masterful teaching on false teachers in 2 Peter Chapter 2, we cover the first five pages of the outline. Who are the false prophets and false teachers? What do they...
False Teaching Seminar 02
Filesize: 16.51MB Downloads: 654 Download as File
Jesus gives us great discernment in Luke 6:22-26 on how to distinguish between true and false prophets. The true are persecuted and rejected; the false are loved and accepted. In this session, we teach on how to detect or identify false teachings. This covers pages 5-7 of the outline.
False Teaching Seminar 02 - Video
This is the 2nd session of the False Teaching Seminar for the Central Valley School of Ministry. Jesus gives us great discernment in Luke 6:22-26 on how to distinguish between true and false prophets. The true are persecuted and rejected; the false are loved and accepted. In this session, we...
False Teaching Seminar 03 - Audio
Filesize: 13.39MB Downloads: 636 Download as File
This is the 3rd MP3 audio lesson of the False Teaching Seminar. We begin with 1 John 4:1-6. John was dealing with false teachers who came denying the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Once you identify a false teaching, how do you deal with it? What steps should a Christian take to talk to another...
False Teaching Seminar 03 - Video
This is the 3rd lesson in the False Teaching Seminar. We begin with 1 John 4:1-6. John was dealing with false teachers who came denying the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Once you identify a false teaching, how do you deal with it? What steps should a Christian take to talk to another person? We...
False Teaching Seminar 04 - Audio
Filesize: 20.82MB Downloads: 634 Download as File
This is the 4th MP3 audio lesson on the False Teaching Seminar. 2 Timothy 4:1-5 is a great word on truth versus false teaching. We must preach the Word! Many will want to listen to false teachers and not put up with sound doctrine because these teachers will tell them what they want to hear. How...
False Teaching Seminar 04 - Video
This is the 4th and final teaching in our False Teaching Seminar. 2 Timothy 4:1-5 is a great word on truth versus false teaching. We must preach the Word! Many will want to listen to false teachers and not put up with sound doctrine because these teachers will tell them what they want to hear....
False Teaching Seminar 05 - Carlos Raines - Audio
Filesize: 28.26MB Downloads: 648 Download as File
Carlos Raines starts with Paul's teaching from Galatians Chapters 1 and 2. Paul was so humble that he was willing to present the gospel he was teaching to the other apostles to confirm that he had not run in vain. We show that there was great unity in the church over doctrine for nearly 1,000...
Hebrews 1 - The Divinity of Jesus Christ - Audio
Filesize: 22.43MB Downloads: 712 Download as File
This is the MP3 audio teaching of Hebrews Chapter 1. We cover Hebrews 1:1-14 verse by verse. We first summarize four great heretics from the early church days - Arius, Apollinarius, Nestorius, and Eutyches. Then we show the powerful divinity of Jesus Christ in Hebrews 1. He is the heir of all...
Hebrews 1 - The Divinity of Jesus Christ - Outline
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This is the two-page outline for the video or audio teaching on Hebrews Chapter 1. It includes all the lecture notes for the sermon.
Hebrews 1 - The Divinity of Jesus Christ - Video
This is the video teaching of Hebrews Chapter 1. We cover Hebrews 1:1-14 verse by verse. We first summarize four great heretics from the early church days - Arius, Apollinarius, Nestorius, and Eutyches. Then we show the powerful divinity of Jesus Christ in Hebrews 1. He is the heir of all...
Incarnation - Jesus Christ is God in the Flesh - Audio
Filesize: 25.90MB Downloads: 671 Download as File
In this MP3 audio teaching, Pastor Charlie looks carefully at the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. He covers four topics: 1) It is very critical that we be precise in our definition, 2) We look at what Arius, the arch-heretic, believed about Jesus and why he drew his heretical conclusions, 3) We...
Incarnation - Jesus Christ is God in the Flesh - Outline
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The 4 page PDF. outline for the video and MP3 audio teaching by the same name.
Incarnation - Jesus Christ is God in the Flesh - Video
In this video teaching, Pastor Charlie looks carefully at the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. He covers four topics: 1) It is very critical that we be precise in our definition, 2) We look at what Arius, the arch-heretic, believed about Jesus and why he drew his heretical conclusions, 3) We define...
Trinity - The Doctrine of the Trinity
Filesize: 0.28MB Downloads: 647 Download as File
This is the four-page outline of the teaching on the Trinity. There are video and MP3 audio teachings available for this teaching. Teacher: Pastor Charlie Avila.
Trinity - The Doctrine of the Trinity - Audio
Filesize: 24.04MB Downloads: 690 Download as File
In this audio teaching, Pastor Charlie teaches on the central dogma of the Christian faith - the Trinity. The Trinity is one God in three persons. We don't believe in Jesus Only or in three Gods. We believe that Jesus is God in the flesh. The nature of God as Trinity is great mystery but we...
Trinity - The Doctrine of the Trinity - Video
In this teaching, Pastor Charlie teaches on the central dogma of the Christian faith - the Trinity. The Trinity is one God in three persons. We don't believe in Jesus Only or in three Gods. We believe that Jesus is God in the flesh. The nature of God as Trinity is great mystery but we can...