
Fasting 01 - Jesus & Fasting - Audio
May 8, 2017
Starting with the powerful story of deliverance of a demonized boy in Matthew 17 and Mark 9, we learn the truth of the power of prayer and fasting. When we start on any new subject of truth, it's always good to start with Jesus Christ of Nazarene. He is the full of truth. We begin with the well-known story of Jesus fasting forty days and forty nights in the wilderness and being tempted by the devil. When we fast, we don't just...
Fasting 02 - The Fast God Has Chosen - Audio
May 8, 2017
Perhaps the most powerful instruction in the entire Bible on fasting is found in Isaiah, Chapter 58. In this teaching, Pastor Charlie examines the first 12 verses, verse-by-verse. The Lord commands (3 Hebrew imperative verbs) Isaiah in the first verse to expose the sins of His people. It's our sins and transgressions that separate us from God. In verse 2 these people appear to be very spiritual - they fast, seek God, and appear to have...
Fasting 03 - The Power Of Corporate Fasts - Audio
May 8, 2017
The most powerful spiritual weapon available to Christian believers is corporate fasts. God does amazing things when an individual believer fasts, but supernatural power is released when a group of believers fast sincerely before the Lord. In this special study, Pastor Charlie covers eight (8) corporate fasts in the Bible. We remind ourselves that five can put 100 to flight, and 100 can defeat 10,000. We start out with the first verse that...
Fasting 04 - By Nothing But Prayer and Fasting - Audio
May 8, 2017
Jesus said in Mark 9:29 that "this kind comes out by nothing but prayer and fasting." The words, "by nothing," indicate that nothing else will work. Are you frustrated by unanswered prayers or negative situations that just seem to go from bad to worse? Maybe you need to "fast and pray." Starting with the first mention of fasting in the Judges 20, Pastor Charlie teaches on many important practical truths about...
Fasting 04 - By Nothing but Prayer and Fasting - PowerPoint
May 8, 2017
This PowerPoint file is for the audio teaching above with the same name. It includes all the scripture references and a comparison between the Israelites and the Benjamites in Judges 20 and all of the possessions brought back by the exiles in Ezra 8.
Fasting 05 - Daniel and Fasting - Audio
January 1, 2018
In this important study, we start with Daniel fasting in Chapter 9. This was a fast to humble himself and confess the sins of his people for their Babylonian exile. We also examine Daniel Chapter 1 and the "ten day vegetable fast." What really happened to Daniel and the three Hebrew children in that heathen land. Second, we look at Daniel 10 because here Daniel is mourning and he abstains from certain types of meats and wine.
Fasting 06 - Isaiah 58 Fasting - Audio
January 8, 2018
In this study, like the teaching above, "Fasting 02," we study Isaiah 58 verse by verse. God's people could not understand why their prayers when unanswered when they fasted. The Lord reminded them that it was because they did not have proper relationships with other people. Fasting was not just for us to "afflict our soul" and suffer food deprivation. It was to break yokes, feed the hungry, care for the homeless -...
Fasting 07 - Fasting and the Power of God - Audio
January 22, 2018
Fasting unleashes the power of God. Jesus said that after the bridegroom is taken away, His disciples will fast. The early prophets and teachers fasted and heard from the Holy Spirit. The Israelites nearly wiped out the tribe of Benjamin after fasting. Mordecai, Esther and their fellow Jews fasted to avert disaster. King Jehoshaphat fasted and heard from the Holy Spirit and God brought about a great deliverance. Joel called all of...
Father God Series
April 26, 2020
These are a series of message on the nature, character, and person of Father God, the 1st Person of the Trinity. These messages are in audio and video format.
Father's Personal Touch
October 11, 2022
Fear God, Keep Your Vows – Video
March 28, 2021
This video includes a praise and worship, with a special song from David Olvera. A message entitled “Fear God, Keep Your Vows” by Pastor Rick Avila, some important announcements. In this much needed teaching Pastor Rick reminds us to keep our vows based on Ecclesiastes 5:1-5. In keeping with the Apostle Peter’s words, we are as long as we are alive, to keep reminding those who know and are established in the faith. We, as God’s...
Fleeing From God's Presence
March 20, 2023
Focused on Christ Not on the World - Audio
February 7, 2019
This teaching shows that the main thing in a Christian's life is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Ephesian church was doing everything, but they lost their first love. Paul said that everything he used to engage in as a Pharisee was total garbage, trash, compared to knowing Jesus Christ. Mary only wanted to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear His word. Using personal stories and verses from the Bible, Pastor Charlie reminds men again that...
Forgiveness Before Reconciliation – David Olvera – Video
July 5, 2021
David gives his amazing testimony of his Daniel Fast and the weeks that followed.
Forgiveness Series of Messages
May 6, 2017
This series includes 8 audio teachings on the critical subject of forgiveness. There is also a written teaching on "Are You Counting?"
Galatians Series of Messages
May 10, 2017
We are currently (May-July 2017) teaching verse by verse through the great book of Galatians. There will be a total of 13 audio teachings available when the messages are all finished. The four teachings below cover Galatians 1:1-2:21.
Garbage In Garbage Out - Audio
June 28, 2020
This audio teaching is by Pastor Rick Avila on the subject of Garbage In Garbage Out. We need to guard our heart and thoughts in these perilous times so that we don't feed on negative and evil things. The video teaching for this message is available here. Teacher: Pastor Rick Avila.
Garbage In Garbage Out - Video
June 28, 2020
This video teaching is by Pastor Rick Avila on the subject of Garbage In Garbage Out. It includes a praise and worship time at the beginning with our worship team, some announcements by Pastor Charlie, and the sermon by Pastor Rick. We need to guard our heart and thoughts in these perilous times so that we don't feed on negative and evil things. The audio teaching is available here. Teacher: Pastor Rick Avila.
Gentleness - The Great Power of Gentleness - Audio
May 4, 2017
Proverbs teaches us that a "gentle tongue" can "break a bone," or break down resistance. It also says that a "gentle answer turns away anger." Sharing humorous personal stories of his struggle with gentleness, Pastor Charlie teaches us about the ultimate model of manhood - the Lord Jesus Christ. He was gentle and lowly in heart. Going through scripture after scripture, he shows how prevalent it is in the Bible,...
Gentleness- The Great Power Of Gentleness - PowerPoint
May 4, 2017
This is the PowerPoint file for the audio teaching above with the same name. It includes 14 slides with all of the Scripture references and quotes used in the teaching on gentleness.