
The Power of the Holy Spirit - Audio
January 24, 2021
This is an audio teaching on the Holy Spirit based on Acts 1-2. Pastor Charle starts with John 7:37-39 to show that these verses give the overview of Acts 2. He then teaches on the 5 main references to the Holy Spirit in Acts Chapters 1-2 including 1) The Power (Acts 1:5, 8), 2) The Filling (Acts 2:1-4), 3) The Outpouring (Acts 2:16-18), 4) The Promise (Acts 2:33) and 5) The Gift (Acts 2:38-39). This teaching emphasizes the exaltation of...
The Power of the Holy Spirit – Video
January 24, 2021
This video includes a time of praise and worship, a word of encouragement from Manuel Portillo, a message on Acts Chapters 1-2 on the Power of the Holy Spirit, and some important announcements. Pastor Charle starts with John 7:37-39 to show that these verses give the overview of Acts 2. He then teaches on the 5 main references to the Holy Spirit in Acts Chapters 1-2 including 1) The Power (Acts 1:5, 8), 2) The Filling (Acts 2:1-4), 3) The...
The Promise of the Spirit - Audio
December 6, 2020
This is a verse by verse teaching of Galatians 3:1-14. Paul is very passionate about the deceived condition of these Galatian believers. They have allowed false teachers to convince them to observe the law instead of rely entirely on faith and the Holy Spirit. Paul brings up powerful themes of faith, Abraham, and God's blessings. Those who live under law are under "the curse." Those who are true believer live under...
The Promise of the Spirit - Video
December 6, 2020
This video includes a praise and worship time, a missions presentation, and a sermon on Galatians 3:1-14 on the promise of the Holy Spirit. This is a verse by verse teaching of all fourteen verses. Paul is very passionate about the deceived condition of these Galatian believers. They have allowed false teachers to convince them to observe the law instead of rely entirely on faith and the Holy Spirit. Paul brings up powerful themes of...
The Sovereignty of God: Elections, Kings and Presidents – 01
November 22, 2020
This video includes a praise and worship service and a sermon on the sovereignty of God. After a very contention and difficult election here in the United States, many Christians were disappointed and disillusioned with everything. It also caused a lot of division among well-meaning and well-intented believers. Pastor Charlie points us to God's sovereign rule over kings and nations. He highlights four key aspects of God's sovereignty - 1)...
The Spirit of Life - Audio
February 7, 2021
This is a verse-by-verse teaching of the first eight verses of Romans 8. Pastor Charlie gives a background to Romans and shows how Paul led up to this incredible chapter where he mentions the Holy Spirit 19 times in the first 27 verses. He shows what it means when we walk in the flesh and when we walk in the Spirit. The law of the Spirit of life has liberated us from the law of sin and death. We take time to develop a major theme around...
The Spirit of Life - Audio
February 28, 2021
This is a verse-by-verse teaching of the first eight verses of Romans 8. Pastor Charlie gives a background to Romans and shows how Paul led up to this incredible chapter where he mentions the Holy Spirit 19 times in the first 27 verses. He shows what it means when we walk in the flesh and when we walk in the Spirit. The law of the Spirit of life has liberated us from the law of sin and death. We take time to develop a major theme around...
The Spirit of Life - Video
February 7, 2021
This video includes a time of praise and worship, a missions presentation, a message on Romans 8:1-8 entitled “The Spirit of Life,” and some important announcements. This is a verse-by-verse teaching of the first eight verses of Romans 8. Pastor Charlie gives a background to Romans and shows how Paul led up to this incredible chapter where he mentions the Holy Spirit 19 times in the first 27 verses. He shows what it means when we walk...
The Spirit of Truth our Helper - Audio
January 17, 2021
Pastor Charlie looks at the five main statements that Jesus made about the Holy Spirit in John Chapters 14-16. The Spirit empowers us for obedience and abides with us forever (John 14:15-18), He teaches us all things (John 14:25-26), He anoints us as witnesses (John 15:26-27), He is God the Evangelist who convicts the world (John 16:7-11), and He guides us into all truth and reveals the future (John 16:13-15). The video portion of this...
The Spirit of Truth Our Helper – Video
January 17, 2021
This video includes a praise and worship service, a testimony from Victor & Lydia Flores, a message on "The Spirit of Truth," and announcements. Pastor Charlie looks at the five main statements that Jesus made about the Holy Spirit in John Chapters 14-16. The Spirit empowers us for obedience and abides with us forever (John 14:15-18), He teaches us all things (John 14:25-26), He anoints us as witnesses (John 15:26-27), He is...
The Wilderness Generation - Audio
November 1, 2020
This video includes a full church service with praise and worship, a missions presentation, and a sermon on the Wilderness Generation in 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. All of the Israelites started out good and all of them experienced many blessings of deliverance and salvation as they were delivered from Egyptian bondage, but they did not end will and were defeated in “running the race” by the sins of lust, idolatry, sexual immorality, tempting...
The Wilderness Generation - Video
November 1, 2020
This video includes a full church service with praise and worship, a missions presentation, and a sermon on the Wilderness Generation in 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. All of the Israelites started out good and all of them experienced many blessings of deliverance and salvation as they were delivered from Egyptian bondage, but they did not end will and were defeated in “running the race” by the sins of lust, idolatry, sexual immorality, tempting...
The Word Became Flesh - Audio
December 17, 2018
This is a verse by verse video teaching of John 1:1-14. John gave us the true Christmas message in only four words - "The Word became flesh." Jesus is eternal because He was with the Father from the beginning. He is the Son of God and distinct from God because He was "with God." And He is God because John wrote, "The Word was God." We have proof of His deity because He was in the beginning with God (v2), all...
The Word Became Flesh - Video
December 19, 2018
This is a verse by verse video teaching of John 1:1-14. John gave us the true Christmas message in only four words - "The Word became flesh." Jesus is eternal because He was with the Father from the beginning. He is the Son of God and distinct from God because He was "with God." And He is God because John wrote, "The Word was God." We have proof of His deity because He was in the beginning with God (v2), all...
The Writing on the Wall – Pastor Rick Avila
August 23, 2021
On the very night that King Belshazzar saw the writing on the wall his kingdom was given over to the Medes and Persians. We, as a country seem to have forgotten God and have mocked Him by enacting laws that are leading us in the wrong direction. Our government has enacted laws that have had a devastating affect on our nation. It has outlawed the Ten Commandments in our public schools; it has approved abortion all across the nation; it has...
They Shall Be Taught By God - Audio
October 1, 2018
It is one thing to be taught by a historian or scholar. What about if you could be taught by someone who knows everything. Using Isaiah 54:13, Pastor Charlie teaches that all Christians can be personally taught (or discipled) by the Lord Himself. Jesus quotes from this verse in Isaiah in John 6:45 to show that Father God will teach us about His Son, because only He knows the Son. We end with Matthew 11:25-30. Father God hides spiritual...
They Shall Be Taught By God - Video
October 1, 2018
It is one thing to be taught by a historian or scholar. What about if you could be taught by someone who knows everything. Using Isaiah 54:13, Pastor Charlie teaches that all Christians can be personally taught (or discipled) by the Lord Himself. Jesus quotes from this verse in Isaiah in John 6:45 to show that Father God will teach us about His Son, because only He knows the Son. We end with Matthew 11:25-30. Father God hides spiritual...
They Will Speak With Other Tongues 01 - Audio
August 13, 2018
Starting with Mark 16:17, Pastor Charlie begin a detailed teaching on speaking with other tongues according to Scriptures. Jesus said that those who believe will speak with new tongues. We then cover the beginning verses of 1 Corinthians 14. We are to earnestly, passionately desire spiritual gifts. Privately, speaking with tongues is your prayer language. Publicly, God uses it with interpretation to speak to His people. Paul wished that...
They Will Speak With Other Tongues 01 - Video
August 13, 2018
Starting with Mark 16:17, Pastor Charlie begin a detailed teaching on speaking with other tongues according to Scriptures. Jesus said that those who believe will speak with new tongues. We then cover the beginning verses of 1 Corinthians 14. We are to earnestly, passionately desire spiritual gifts. Privately, speaking with tongues is your prayer language. Publicly, God uses it with interpretation to speak to His people. Paul wished that...
Tithes and Offerings Series of Messages
July 17, 2017
These series of audio messages address the all-important topic of tithes and offerings in the life of the Christian believer. It includes a PowerPoint file and a lecture outline for all the messages.