
Promises of God - Video
July 26, 2019
God never fails on His promises. He is 100%, always, without fail, the One who keeps His Word. God is not fickle or untrustworthy like man. Men give their word and then never show up. God's word is true. It is totally reliable. You can put your full confidence in what God says because He always keeps His word. Solomon said that not one word of all that God promised Israel through Moses had failed. This is a remarkable track record...
Psalm 105 - Remember What the Lord Has Done - Video
June 1, 2021
In this video teaching from Psalm 105, Pastor Charlie explains the sovereignty of God in the life of the nation of Israel. Psalms 78, 105, and 106 are the historical psalms that recount God's amazing dealings with Israel. We look at six practical things that God did with Israel that He still does today with Christian believers. The MP3 audio teaching is available here. Teacher: Pastor Charlie Avila.
Psalm 106 – Video
June 16, 2021
Pastor Charlie's sermon's on Sunday, June 13, 2021
Psalm 78 - Video
June 10, 2021
This is a detailed and summary teaching a historical, Psalm 78, a powerful declaration of Israel's failures and God's faithfulness. Despite God doing "wonderful works," "signs and wonders," and supernatural miracles in Egypt and the wilderness, Israel continued in their rebellion and idolatry. Pastor Charlie breaks down this chapter by its natural setting - Israel's repeated failings and God continued forgiveness and faithfulness. Teacher:...
Psalms Series of Messages
May 6, 2017
All of our audio messages on the Psalms is located in this section. Currently there are verse by verse teachings on critical Psalms like Psalm 1, 23, 50, 91, 121, and 150. There are 18 audio teachings and associated PowerPoint files.
Put This Money to Work - Audio
January 29, 2019
Our church emphasizes two aspects on money - 1) We need wisdom from God to righteously handle His money and 2) in obedience to Scriptures, we are generosity with the money God has given us. Solomon received from the Lord what he didn't ask for because he asked for wisdom. Once you have God's wisdom, you have everything you need to inherit wealth, honor, and long life. The wisest man who ever lived was also the wealthiest. We...
Put This Money to Work - Video
January 29, 2019
Our church emphasizes two aspects on money - 1) We need wisdom from God to righteously handle His money and 2) in obedience to Scriptures, we are generosity with the money God has given us. Solomon received from the Lord what he didn't ask for because he asked for wisdom. Once you have God's wisdom, you have everything you need to inherit wealth, honor, and long life. The wisest man who ever lived was also the wealthiest. We...
Quenching Our Thirst 1 - Audio
May 5, 2017
While doing a devotional reading through the whole book of Isaiah, Pastor Charlie kept highlighting verses that mentioned "desert," "wilderness," "parched ground," "dry land," "wastelands," "dry places," and "thirsting." These words were followed by God turning these dry places into "gardens," "rivers," "springs of water," "pools of...
Quenching Our Thirst 2 - Audio
May 5, 2017
This is part 2 of the series on how a believer has his spiritual thirst quenched by God. Using verses from Isaiah, Chapters 41, 43, and 44, and many personal experiences of what God is doing right now, Pastor Charlie helps believers see that only the Lord can quench their spiritual thirst. God wants rivers to flow into our deserts. This includes the outpouring of His Spirit on our children.
Rapture 01 - The Parable of the Wheat and Tares - Audio
August 9, 2020
In the study, we establish the truth that there are two ages - this age and the one to come. And the rapture takes place at the last day (John 6), at the last trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:52), and at the end of the age (Matthew 13:30, 39). We also examine the Parable of the Wheat and Tares and see that the rapture cannot take place seven years before the end, because both the wheat (Christians) and the tares (wicked people) grow up together until...
Rapture 01 - The Parable of the Wheat and Tares - Video
August 9, 2020
In this video, we have a time of praise and worship, a communion time, a sermon by Pastor Charlie on the rapture or the final resurrection of the dead. In the study, we establish the truth that there are two ages - this age and the one to come. And the rapture takes place at the last day (John 6), at the last trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:52), and at the end of the age (Matthew 13:30, 39). We also examine the Parable of the Wheat and Tares and see...
Rapture 02 - Jesus at Gods Right Hand - Audio
August 16, 2020
This sermon is on the ascension, exaltation, and glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ to God’s right hand. We begin with verses in the gospels, Acts, the epistles, and especially Hebrews, to see where Jesus is right now. We then go to the great Psalm 110 to see how long Jesus must stay in heaven at God’s right hand – until His enemies are made a footstool for His feet. Jesus is waiting until His enemies are prepared for judgment. ...
Rapture 02 - Jesus at Gods Right Hand - Video
August 16, 2020
This video includes a time of praise and worship, a word of encouragement from Evangelist John Ojeda, and a sermon on the ascension, exaltation, and glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ to God’s right hand. We begin with verses in the gospels, Acts, the epistles, and especially Hebrews to see where Jesus is right now. We then go to the great Psalm 110 to see how long Jesus must stay in heaven at God’s right hand – Until His enemies...
Read the Bible Series of Messages
May 9, 2017
This is a series of 11 audio teachings encouraging Christian believers to read the Bible every day. Also includes written teachings.
Relationships Christian Series of Messages
May 5, 2017
These 6 audio teachings deal with broken relationships based on Proverbs 18:19. We speak about reasons for and result of broken relationships, and then teach on how to resolve and redeem them.
Remember the Poor Series of Messages
May 5, 2017
In these 3 audio teachings we examine the call of the Scriptures to "remember the poor," using the words from Galatians 2:10.
Repentance - The Church Must First Repent - Video
December 2, 2019
We continue are important teaching series on repentance. The church cannot command the unbelievers to repent, if we don't repent or taken repentance seriously in our own lives. Pastor Charlie starts with how we are the salt of the earth, but we can lose our saltiness if we compromise and mix in with the world. In Luke 13, we see how Jesus commands us to repent when we see tragedies, accidents, or judgments happening to others. In Romans...
Repentance - The First Word of the Gospel - Audio
November 24, 2019
Using verse after verse in the gospels, the Book of Acts, and the epistles, Pastor Charlie shows that the first word of the gospel is not love, mercy, or grace. It is repent. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ came preaching, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Luke 3:1-20 has some foundational teaching on repentance and its fruits. We also look through the Book of Acts to see how the early church and its apostles...
Repentance - The First Word of the Gospel - Audio
November 25, 2019
Using verse after verse in the gospels, the Book of Acts, and the epistles, Pastor Charlie shows that the first word of the gospel is not love, mercy, or grace. It is repent. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ came preaching, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Luke 3:1-20 has some foundational teaching on repentance and its fruits. We also look through the Book of Acts to see how the early church and its apostles...
Repentance - The First Word of the Gospel - Video
November 25, 2019
Using verse after verse in the gospels, the Book of Acts, and the epistles, Pastor Charlie shows that the first word of the gospel is not love, mercy, or grace. It is repent. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ came preaching, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Luke 3:1-20 has some foundational teaching on repentance and its fruits. We also look through the Book of Acts to see how the early church and its apostles...