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Mourning and Rejoicing - Audio
September 20, 2020
In this teaching, Pastor Charlie shows how Christians must “weep with those who weep.” Solomon said it was better to go to a funeral than a party because funerals has a refining influence on us. We show the benefits to emotional crying that God created in humans. When it comes to ministering to people who are mourning, silence and presence are golden. We don’t need to say much; we must need to be present. All people react...
Mourning and Rejoicing - Video
September 20, 2020
This video includes a 50th wedding presentation for Manuel and Leonor Portillo, a sermon on "Mourning and Rejoicing” and announcements. In this teaching, Pastor Charlie shows how Christians must “weep with those who weep.” Solomon said it was better to go to a funeral than a party because funerals has a refining influence on us. We show the benefits to emotional crying that God created in humans. When it comes to ministering to...
Moved By What We Believe - Liz Baines – Video
January 14, 2021
Liz shared a dream in which a woman appeared dead but was sleeping and how this was a reflection of how we are asleep and need to wake up spiritually. She shared scriptures on how important it is to read God's word, know it, chew on it, meditate on it, speak it, receive it, believe it and let it move you. We can't move if we don't believe God's word. Be doers, not hearers only.
My Fathers House - Audio
May 5, 2017
This audio teaching is a brief review of John 14:1-6, with a special emphasis on the background of Jesus' famous statement that He is "the way, the truth, and the life, and no one gets to the Father except through Me." This salvation message was delivered at a funeral. Jesus was grieved in His spirit because one of His disciples was getting ready to betray Him. This declaration caused great turmoil among the disciples. To make...
New Covenant - Audio
May 6, 2017
This teaching was presented at the Worldwide Ministries convention for Pastors. We start with an insightful understanding of how the apostles in the NT used the famous quote of Habakkuk 2:4 - The just shall live by faith. We show why the NT over and over again contrasts the old covenant with the new covenant. So many of us Christians have a strong tendency to live under law rather than in the power of the Spirit. Using the theme verse of the...
New Covenant - PowerPoint
May 6, 2017
This is the PowerPoint file for the above audio teaching of the same title. It includes all the references, quotes, graphics, and statements used in audio file. This file has 20 slides.
North India Christian Ministries - Audio
December 9, 2019
Church planter and native Indian missionary, Abraham Philip, shares powerful testimonies and valuable insights into the ministry of North India Christian Ministries. The video version of this message is also available here.
North India Christian Ministries - Video
December 9, 2019
Church planter and native Indian missionary, Abraham Philip, shares powerful testimonies and valuable insights into the ministry of North India Christian Ministries. The audio version of this message is also available here.
Obedience - The Sure Foundation - Audio
January 25, 2020
Using Matthew 7:24-27 as a starting point, Evangelist John Ojeda teaches on obedience to God and His Word. He emphasizes prayer, reading God's Word, and trust in the Lord to get you through storms and trials. The video version of this teaching is available here.
Obedience - The Sure Foundation - Video
January 23, 2020
Using Matthew 7:24-27 as a starting point, Evangelist John Ojeda teaches on obedience to God and His Word. He emphasizes prayer, reading God's Word, and trust in the Lord to get you through storms and trials. The audio version of this teaching is available here.
Obedience 01 - Keeping the Commandments - Audio
October 23, 2018
The rich young ruler asked Jesus, what must I do to have (inherit) eternal life? Jesus answered, "To enter into life, keep the commandments." Obedience is critical to entering into the true Christian life. Paul said, "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing; keeping the commandments is what counts." In this strong teaching, Pastor Charlie teaches us the five things that the apostle John said in 1 John...
Obedience 01 - Keeping the Commandments - Video
October 23, 2018
The rich young ruler asked Jesus, what must I do to have (inherit) eternal life? Jesus answered, "To enter into life, keep the commandments." Obedience is critical to entering into the true Christian life. Paul said, "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing; keeping the commandments is what counts." In this strong teaching, Pastor Charlie teaches us the five things that the apostle John said in 1 John about "keeping the...
Obedience 02 - If You Love Me - Audio.MP3
November 15, 2018
Do you know the 10 Commandments? Do you know the greatest commandments? What does it really mean to love God with all your heart? How do you keep the commandments of God by love and not by legalism? We answer these questions and then teach from John, Chapters 14 and 15, on the five statements Jesus said about loving God through keeping His commandments. We specifically look at John 14:15, 14:21, 14:22-23, 14:31, and 15:9-10. The audio...
Obedience 02 - If You Love Me - Video
November 15, 2018
Do you know the 10 Commandments? Do you know the greatest commandments? What does it really mean to love God with all your heart? How do you keep the commandments of God by love and not by legalism? We answer these questions and then teach from John, Chapters 14 and 15, on the five statements Jesus said about loving God through keeping His commandments. We specifically look at John 14:15, 14:21, 14:22-23, 14:31, and 15:9-10. The audio...
Obedience 03 - Deuteronomy and Obedience - Audio
November 17, 2018
The one book in the Bible that mentions the most about obedience and keep God's commandments - by far - is the Book of Deuteronomy. The book is glowing with neon lights when it comes to obedience. Pastor Charlie highlights the amazing and very interesting history of the book and when and why Moses wrote it. We study the greatest commandment of loving God in Deuteronomy 6 and draw three important conclusions.
Obedience 03 - Deuteronomy and Obedience - Video
November 20, 2018
The one book in the Bible that mentions the most about obedience and keep God's commandments - by far - is the Book of Deuteronomy. The book is glowing with neon lights when it comes to obedience. Pastor Charlie highlights the amazing and very interesting history of the book and when and why Moses wrote it. We study the greatest commandment of loving God in Deuteronomy 6 and draw three important conclusions.
Obedience 04 - Obedience is Everything - Audio
November 21, 2018
This is a study of the all-important verses of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 - that fearing God and keeping His commandments is the whole of man. This is everything. And the Lord is so watchful of our obedience that He will bring EVERY work into judgment, including EVERY secret thing, whether good or bad. This ought to put a fear of God in our hearts. This teaching includes a comprehensive review of the Book of Ecclesiastes and why Solomon found...
Obedience 04 - Obedience is Everything - Video
November 19, 2018
This is a study of the all-important verses of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 - that fearing God and keeping His commandments is the whole of man. This is everything. And the Lord is so watchful of our obedience that He will bring EVERY work into judgment, including EVERY secret thing, whether good or bad. This ought to put a fear of God in our hearts. This teaching includes a comprehensive review of the Book of Ecclesiastes and why Solomon found...
Obedience 05 - Obedience When Tempted - Audio
November 26, 2018
Using the famous US Airways Flight 1549 piloted by Capt Sullenberger that landed in the Hudson River as an illustration, Pastor Charlie teaches that all Christians need to have "emergency procedures" in place to deal with temptations from the evil one. Satan always tempts us in our weaknesses - in areas where we lack self-control (1 Corinthians 7:5). He is always looking for opportunities where he has the advantage (Luke 4:13). ...
Parable of the Sower - Audio
May 5, 2017
There are 39 different parables in the four gospels. Because some of the parables are repeated in Matthew, Mark, and Luke (John has no parables), there are 57 total parables given by Jesus. This audio teaching is a verse-by-verse study of Mark 4:1-20. The parable of the sower reveals how diligent the enemy is to attack when we get into God's Word. Shows how powerful the Word of God really is and how a believer becomes very fruitful...