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Passionate for God's Glory 01
September 12, 2022
Pastor Richard Walker – Ultimate Intention
February 13, 2024
Pastor Rick Avila – Worshipping the True God
October 17, 2023
Worshiping the true God is about the choices we make in life that shape the soul and the person we become. Rather than worshiping, the true God, some people worship: wealth, pleasure, and honor, which takes all of their time and leaves no time to praise God. Their souls become corrupted and hardened. Their personalities become riddled with: greed, jealousy, pride and other ungodly behaviors and desires that will never satisfy their inner needs.
Pastor Rick Avila: Relationships with God and Self
March 6, 2023
Paul Haroutunian – Don't Play Games With God
November 20, 2023
Paul Haroutunian teaches from Mark 12:35-40, exploring the lesson on how we engage in games with Jesus. In this passage, Jesus was teaching in the Temple and warning the people to 'Beware of the scribes and all their ways.' Right before this warning in Scripture, the Pharisees and Sadducees were asking a series of questions to Jesus, attempting to trap Him. Paul reminds us using these questions, the games the Pharisees and Sadducees were...
Perilous Times Will Come - Video
June 20, 2018
Pastor Rick Avila teaches on 2 Timothy 3:1-6
Planning for Success Message
May 9, 2017
This section has the message on Planning for Success in audio, written, and Spanish versions. The audio message has a written outline and PowerPoint.
Powerful Testimonies
May 9, 2017
These are powerful audio and written testimonies of Christian believers.
Pr. Franz Gutierrez from Bolivia
May 23, 2023
Prayer - In Everything By Prayer - Audio
August 3, 2019
Paul said in Philippians 4:6 that we should "let our requests be made know to God in everything." We need to pray about everything. Looking at the powerful prayer life of Jesus, Pastor Charlie shows how even the Son of God - who had all-power - relied on prayer for everything. We can't afford to ignore the prayer closet day by day. God answers prayer.
Prayer Series of Messages
May 9, 2017
These are a series of 24 audio and many written messages on the prayer life of Christian believers.
Praying For Your Neighbor - Video
August 21, 2018
Paul Haroutunian speaks on a classic subject - prayer, care and share. Using Colossians 4:2-6, Paul starts with prayer. There is no evangelism without prayer. We must pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into the harvest. This is how we begin to love our neighbor and to show care. It is after we pray and care that we can share. The audio and PowerPoint files for this teaching are available on our website at...
Precious Blood of Christ - Audio
April 12, 2020
This message was preached on a Resurrection Sunday service during the coronavirus pandemic. Pastor Charlie shares some insights he has gained from previous pandemics and epidemics, but then teaches a strong message on the "precious blood of Jesus Christ." Using Ephesians 1:7-8, Colossians 1:12-14, and 1 Peter 1:17-21, the message centers around the REDEMPTION we have in Christ Jesus because of His shed blood on Calvary's cross. The video...
Precious Blood of Christ - Video
April 12, 2020
This message was preached on a Resurrection Sunday service during the coronavirus pandemic. Pastor Charlie shares some insights he has gained from previous pandemics and epidemics, but then teaches a strong message on the "precious blood of Jesus Christ." Using Ephesians 1:7-8, Colossians 1:12-14, and 1 Peter 1:17-21, the message centers around the REDEMPTION we have in Christ Jesus because of His shed blood on Calvary's...
Premarital Counseling for Christian Couples Series
July 20, 2020
In this series of thirteen lectures, Pastor Charlie covers the foundation truths of Christian marriage. It includes message on handling money, communication in marriage, raising kids for Christ, relating to in-laws, sex in marriage, and work, education, and ministry. It includes instruction in second marriages, dealing with sexual abuse, and planning for a Christian wedding. This is the premarital counseling used by our church for those who...
Preparing For The Spiritual Winter - Audio
May 5, 2017
Extremely difficult and trying times are ahead. Are you preparing for the spiritual winter that is coming? Tribulation, trials, afflictions and incredible distress is coming. In this prophetic message, Pastor Charlie looks at the ant in Proverbs 6 and 30 to see how we can "be wise" and store up and prepare spiritual resources we are going to need for the coming days. The ant does not need a leader to tell it what to do. The ant knows...
Preparing to Dwell in God's House
January 3, 2022
This message helps us to realize what is keeping us from preparing ourselves to dwell in God's house forever. We all have hope to live in heaven with Jesus for eternity but are we preparing for it? While here on earth, we as Christians should be practicing and living our lives that will in the near future be a reality. Instead of practicing, we are preoccupy and doing what seems good to us. The consequences are that we are not enjoying an...
Priorities - Getting Your Priorities In Order - Audio
May 6, 2017
This is verse-by-verse audio teaching of Haggai 1:1-15. The written version of this teaching is below. What happens to believers when the Lord is not number 1 in their lives? Nothing in life satisfied. Everything ends in frustration, disappointment, and disillusion. This was happening in Haggai's day. The people were sowing, eating, drinking, buying clothes, and earning wages. However, they never had enough. When our priorities are wrong,...
Priorities - Getting Your Priorities in Order - Written
May 6, 2017
This is a verse by verse practical study of Haggai 1:1-15. The audio teaching is above. We all make time for our priorities. We make time for what is really important to us. If God is not our priority, everything in life will frustrate us. When our priorities are wrong, nothing in life satisfies us.
Promises of God - Audio
July 26, 2019
God never fails on His promises. He is 100%, always, without fail, the One who keeps His Word. God is not fickle or untrustworthy like man. Men give their word and then never show up. God's word is true. It is totally reliable. You can put your full confidence in what God says because He always keeps His word. Solomon said that not one word of all that God promised Israel through Moses had failed. This is a remarkable track record...