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Devil 01 - The Christian and the Devil - Video
March 4, 2018
This is the first message on The Christian and the Devil. In this important teaching, we will examine carefully the Christian believer’s relationship to the devil (and demons). What does the Bible teach us about the interaction that goes on between us? Can a Christian be demon possessed? Can we be influenced by the devil? Exactly how are we protected from Satan? Are Christians supposed to rebuke the devil? What kind of authority or...
Devil 02 - The Christian and the Devil - Audio
March 5, 2018
This is the second part of the message on "The Christian and the Devil." In this teaching we answer two questions: 1) Can a Christian Rebuke the Devil? Or perhaps better, how does a Christian rebuke like Jesus. 2) What kind of authority or power does the Christian have over the devil and demons? There is also a written teaching on this subject under the "Written" tab. The PowerPoint file for both audio teachings is...
Devil 02 - The Christian and the Devil - Video
March 8, 2018
This is the second teaching of a two-part message on the Christian and the Devil. In this message, we answer two important questions. Can a Christian rebuke the devil? Or perhaps more accurately, how does a Christian rebuke an evil spirit? We also look at what Jude says about rebuking the devil. The second question is exactly what kind of authority or power is a Christian given over the devil and demons? We look at the writings of John...
Devil Series of Messages
May 5, 2017
These 5 MP3 audio teachings focus on the influence and nature of our enemy, the devil. We show how to resist, overcome, and give no place to Satan in our lives.
Discipleship - Counting The Cost - Audio
May 8, 2017
Pastor Bill Hull says that the primary plan of God for the church is for disciples of Jesus to develop other men and women into disciples. The truth is that very few churches or Christians are really doing this vital task. Why is this? Starting with the famous Matthew 28:18-20, we look at the primary commission of the church, which is to make disciples. The truth is we cannot make disciples unless we ourselves are disciples. We cannot teach...
Discipleship- The Most Important Requirement - Audio
May 8, 2017
God has many critical character attributes. God is holy, God is love, God is just, and God is kind. But there is one attribute that is spoken about the Lord more than any other: God is faithful. He is totally reliable, trustworthy, and constant. His faithfulness endures to all generations, it reaches to the skies, great is His faithfulness, and He is faithful to 1,000 generations of those who love Him. Even when we are faithless, He remains...
Distracted People - Audio
July 3, 2017
Starting with Philippians 2:20-21, Pastor Charlie explains why Christian believers get caught up in their own interests and not the interests of Jesus Christ. This always brings down spiritually the local church. Timothy was not only interest in his own needs, but the needs of others. Using Haggai 1:3-11 as a model for what happens to distracted people, and verses 12-14 for the revival that comes when people make the house of the Lord their...
Do Not Throw Away Your Confidence – Video
February 17, 2021
Using Hebrews 10 Leonor explained how our confidence in God has rewards and doubt in his promises has the dire consequences. She uses props to show examples of what pure unadulterated confidence is like and how we must have that same kind of confidence in God as he perfects us. She shared how doubt can cause our hearts to get hard to the point that we no longer follow the living God. Lenore explains what it means to be made perfect and holy...
Do You Love Me - Audio
July 11, 2021
Pastor Charlie gives a strong message to a group of men on the question of "Do You Love Me?" Although he starts with John 21 and Jesus' question to the apostle Peter, he spends most of the teaching in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. We take the main teaching from each of the seven churches and apply it to our hearts. Do we really love Jesus? Are we faithful? Are we holding on to the truth? Are we walking in holiness not sexual impurity? ...
Do You Love Me – Sunday Sermon
July 12, 2021
Pastor Charlie Avila Sunday Sermon on July 11, 2021
Doing What the Father Does - Video
June 20, 2019
Mexico missionaries Juan and Alba Molina share their experiences at the Mexican-American border through their ministry, His Hands Extended. Juan also shares a Father's Day message about how the Son, Jesus Christ, did everything that the Father was doing based on John 5:19. As fathers, we must set an example for others, especially our children, so they can follow in our footsteps. Please visit our website, teacherofthebible.com for...
Don't Continue in Sin - Audio
March 7, 2021
This is a verse-by-verse MP3 audio teaching of 1 John 3:1-10. Paul focuses on the cross and resurrection of Christ as a victory over sin; John focuses on our new nature because we are born again and are now members of God's family. Pastor Charlie gives 10 powerful reasons why we should not continue on in sin, but instead live a life of purity before God. The video portion of this teaching is available here. Teacher: Pastor Charlie...
Don't Continue in Sin – Video
March 7, 2021
This video includes a full praise and worship service, a special song from Amaris Flores ("I Remember"), a missions presentation by Crystal, and a message on 1 John 3:1-10 giving ten reasons why Christians should not live in sin. Paul focuses on the cross and resurrection of Christ as a victory over sin; John focuses on our new nature because we are born again and are now members of God's family. This is a verse by verse...
Don't Stay Silent – 02
July 13, 2022
Dorothy Sue Slaton Memorial Service
July 24, 2019
This video is the memorial service for Dorothy Sue Slaton held on July 20, 2019 at Clovis Christian Center in Fresno, California. "Sister Sue," as she was affectionately known by her church family, was an amazing Christian woman. She lived to be over 95 years old and in her lifetime served in Army Air Corp in World War II, married for nearly 50 years, mother to five children and many grandchildren, worked as a LVN, and was used by...
Dr Markos Zemede – Horn of Africa Ministries
July 19, 2022
Draw Near to God
December 22, 2021
Draw Near To God - Audio
May 8, 2017
This is a careful study of James 4:4-10. The thought of "drawing near to God" sounds very attractive, idealistic, winsome, and even romantic. How do you do it? Are there any obstacles to getting close to God? In this teaching we look closely at what the Apostle James says about this important subject. The first enemy to keep us from getting close to God is "the world." We cannot be friends with the world and a friend of...
Elia Avila Memorial Tribute
July 17, 2020
This is a video tribute to our mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Elia Avila. It includes a biography review, video presentations by family and friends, a PowerPoint picture presentation with music, and the burial at Mountain View Cemetery in Fresno, California. Elia was born on December 9, 1925 and went to be with the Lord on Saturday, July 4, 2020.
Elisha Series of Messages
May 8, 2017
These are audio teachings based on Elisha, the great prophet of God from the Old Testament.