
Why God Tests Man 03 - Feeding the 5000 - Video
May 31, 2020
This is a complete Sunday service at Clovis Christian Center with worship and a sermon. This is now our third video teaching in our series on Why God Tests Man. In this message, we look closely at how Jesus tested Philip and the apostles during the feeding of the 5,000. This is the only miracle mentioned in all four gospels. Pastor Charlie gives four key lessons on why God tests His people. The audio version of this teaching is available here....
Why God Tests Man 04 - Joseph Tested By God - Audio
June 7, 2020
This is now are fourth testing in this series on Why God Tests Man. In this audio teaching, we look at Psalm 105 and the story of the Joseph from the book of Genesis. Joseph was "a man sent by God," but he was sold into slavery, lied about from his brothers, falsely accused by a woman, imprisoned unjustly, forgotten by the cupbearer, and finally made ruler over all of Egypt. This is a story for the ages. There are many lessons to...
Why God Tests Man 04 - Joseph Tested By God - Video
June 7, 2020
This is now are fourth testing in this series on Why God Tests Man. In this video teaching, we look at Psalm 105 and the story of the Joseph from the book of Genesis. Joseph was "a man sent by God," but he was sold into slavery, lied about from his brothers, falsely accused by a woman, imprisoned unjustly, forgotten by the cupbearer, and finally made ruler over all of Egypt. This is a story for the ages. There are many lessons to learn in...
Why God Tests Man 05 - God Tested Abraham - Audio
June 14, 2020
This is now our fifth teaching on the Why God Tests Man series. In this message, we look at one of the profound tests ever presented to a man - God commands Abraham to offer Isaac as a burnt offering to Him. We first look at the background of Abraham's life and why Isaac became the entire hope of God's promise to him. In Genesis 22, the promise of God comes into conflict with the command of God. There are powerful lessons here...
Why God Tests Man 05 - God Tested Abraham - Video
June 14, 2020
This is now our fifth video teaching on the Why God Tests Man series. In this message, we look at one of the profound tests ever presented to a man - God commands Abraham to offer Isaac as a burnt offering to Him. We first look at the background of Abraham's life and why Isaac became the entire hope of God's promise to him. In Genesis 22, the promise of God comes into conflict with the command of God. There are powerful lessons...
Willingly Committed to the Lord Video
April 9, 2019
Pastor Salem Johnson from Pakistan delivers a powerful message about being empowered by the Spirit to receive revelation from the Lord. He also preaches about what happens in Judges 4-5 at the time of Deborah the judge. The tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun and their 10,000 went to battle, but the tribe of Dan stayed on ships and did not help. Later, the tribe of Dan was removed from the list of tribes in the book of Revelation. We must be...
Wings of Prayer
October 24, 2019
A review of what we have been taught on the 7 Pieces of the Armor of God. What each one is, what it does, why it is necessary to put on the whole Armor of God. The effects of each piece when used in Spiritual battle and victorious Christian walk.
Wise and Unwise - Audio
December 13, 2020
This audio presents a message from Evangelist John Ojeda entitled "Wise and Unwise." Using a great mix of Scriptures and personal stories, he shares three things that Christians can do to stay strong and encouraged in the Lord. 1) Spending time with God in devotionals. We can spend time alone with the sovereign Lord of the universe who controls all things (Psalm 115:2-3). 2) Spending time with the Lord in prayer. Using verses...
Wise and Unwise - Video
December 13, 2020
This video includes a praise and worship service, communion presentation by youth leaders, Chuck and Roberta Parks, and a message from Evangelist John Ojeda entitled "Wise and Unwise." Using a great mix of Scriptures and personal stories, he shares three things that Christians can do to stay strong and encouraged in the Lord. 1) Spending time with God in devotionals. We can spend time alone with the sovereign Lord of the universe who...
Witchcraft & The Christian 1 - Audio
May 8, 2017
God's people have always faced witchcraft. The apostle Peter rebuked Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8; the apostle Paul called down God's judgment on Elymas the sorcerer in Acts 13; Paul and Silas confronted a slave girl with the spirit of divination in Acts 16; when a revival broke out in Ephesus, the apostles led the new believers to burn 50,000 drachmas worth of scrolls of sorcery and magic. Moses and Aaron were confronted by...
Witchcraft & The Christian 2 - Audio
May 8, 2017
Continuing his teaching from lesson 1 above, Pastor Charlie looks at Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Isaiah, and 1 Samuel to see what the Bible says about witchcraft. Moses said that sorcery, witchcraft, and divination were abominations to God. We should never see wizards, palm readers, tarot card, Ouija boards, or horoscopes for guidance. We must listen to God's Prophet, Jesus Christ. If we bring cursed objects into our house, it will bring a...
Witchcraft & The Christian 2 - Outline
May 8, 2017
Many people have requested a list of items you can bring into your house that will bring a curse into your house. This outline includes a detailed summary list of books, videos, music, objects, and other items that bring curses. The list includes books from cult groups, Harry Potter books and videos, music from Satan-inspired musicians, Catholic statues, rosary beads, dreamcatchers, drug paraphernalia, pornographic materials, sorcery, magic...
With God Nothing is Impossible - Audio
December 23, 2019
Using the Christmas story, Pastor Charlie shares the power of Luke 1:37 - With God nothing shall be impossible. God can do all things. He is the miracle worker, and if He can make an old woman like Elizabeth have a baby and a virgin lady have one too (without a husband), then God can do anything. After a brief teaching, we have four powerful teachings from three ladies and a young man. Very encouraging stores of God's power and...
Witnessing to the Lost - Audio
September 4, 2019
Evangelist John Ojeda shares an encouraging message to witness to the lost around us. He tells of one witnessing encounter after another and how people received the Lord or were impacted by a bold declaration of faith. We are the salt of the earth sent to speak the truth to the unconverted. Perilous times will come in the last days - now more than ever - and this is our opportunity to share the gospel with the lost. The video version of...
Witnessing to the Lost - Video
September 4, 2019
Evangelist John Ojeda shares an encouraging message to witness to the lost around us. He tells of one witnessing encounter after another and how people received the Lord or were impacted by a bold declaration of faith. We are the salt of the earth sent to speak the truth to the unconverted. Perilous times will come in the last days - now more than ever - and this is our opportunity to share the gospel with the lost. The audio version of...
Wives Husbands Children & Fathers - PowerPoint
May 8, 2017
This is the PowerPoint file for the two audio teachings below with the same name. This file has 24 slides and it includes all the Scripture references, graphics, pictures, and definitions for both teachings. It includes all the cross references and alternate translations for Colossians 3:18-21.
Wives Husbands Children & Fathers 1 - Audio
May 8, 2017
This audio teaching covers Colossians 3:18-21. Because of the length of this teaching, we only covered verses 18-19, with a brief introduction to verse 20. This teaching continues with the Part II audio below. The Lord commands wives to submit to their husbands. This call is the same as when they submit to the Lord. We cover the writings of Paul and Peter in Ephesians, 1 Timothy, Titus, and 1 Peter. Submission in a wife makes her beautiful and...
Wives Husbands Children & Fathers 2 - Audio
May 8, 2017
This is the 2nd message on Colossians 3:18-21. In this audio teaching we focus on the very important instruction that Paul gives on children in verses 20-21. Paul commands obedience from children toward their parents "in everything." This obedience must be based on love not fear. Parents should bless their children freely and show them God's grace in the process. The main area of this teaching is dealing with the anger in...
Word of God 01 - Holiness and Truth - Audio
September 9, 2019
The Word of God is our life. It must be our highest priority to read and study it every day. Jesus said that only those who abide and remain in His Word are His true disciples. We'll know the truth that will set us free. One of the primary instruments that God uses to sanctify us is the Word of God. It is the truth, and the truth sanctifies. Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for her so that He might sanctify and cleanse her...
Word of God 01 - Holiness and Truth - Video
September 9, 2019
The Word of God is our life. It must be our highest priority to read and study it every day. Jesus said that only those who abide and remain in His Word are His true disciples. We'll know the truth that will set us free. One of the primary instruments that God uses to sanctify us is the Word of God. It is the truth, and the truth sanctifies. Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for her so that He might sanctify and cleanse her...