
The Awareness of God – John Ojeda
August 16, 2021
Evangelist John Ojeda looks at verses from Psalm 139 with a focus on verse 13-16.
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
December 27, 2020
This video includes a time of praise and worship, important announcments, and a message on "The Baptism with the Holy Spirit." Pastor Charlie looks at all the references on the "Baptism with the Spirit" in the New Testament, including four at the beginning of the gospels and two in Acts. Each reference in the gospels was uttered by John the Baptist at the Lord's baptism in the Jordan River. The one in Acts 1 was...
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit - Audio
December 26, 2020
In this audio teaching, Pastor Charlie looks at all the references on the "Baptism with the Spirit" in the New Testament, including four at the beginning of the gospels and two in Acts. Each reference in the gospels was uttered by John the Baptist at the Lord's baptism in the Jordan River. The one in Acts 1 was spoken by Jesus just before Pentecost (the "first" Pentecost) and the second was spoken by Peter after the...
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit – Video
December 27, 2020
This video includes a time of praise and worship, important announcments, and a message on "The Baptism with the Holy Spirit." Pastor Charlie looks at all the references on the "Baptism with the Spirit" in the New Testament, including four at the beginning of the gospels and two in Acts. Each reference in the gospels was uttered by John the Baptist at the Lord's baptism in the Jordan River. The one in Acts 1 was...
The Blood Covenant - Audio
April 19, 2020
This is a full Sunday service with praise and worship, a sermon, and announcements at Clovis Christian Center. Pastor Charlie teaches on the Blood Covenant. There are five main things that people in ancient, modern, and biblical societies did when establishing a blood covenant. We give an overview of these five "exchanges" and then show how they relate to our new covenant relationship with Christ. The video portion of this teaching...
The Blood Covenant - Video
April 19, 2020
This is a full Sunday service with praise and worship, a sermon, and announcements at Clovis Christian Center. Pastor Charlie teaches on the Blood Covenant. There are five main things that people in ancient, modern, and biblical societies did when establishing a blood covenant. We give an overview of these five "exchanges" and then show how they relate to our new covenant relationship with Christ. The audio portion of this teaching...
The Blood of Jesus 01 – Our Redemption
March 14, 2022
The Blood of Jesus 02 - Our Victory
March 22, 2022
This is a detailed audio teaching on Revelation 12, with a special look at verse 11. We overwhelming overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb. This teachings is also available on video. Teacher: Pastor Charlie Avila.
The Blood of Jesus 02 – Our Victory
March 24, 2022
The Blood of Jesus 03 – The Power of God
March 29, 2022
the Blood of Jesus 04 – Christ Lives in Me
April 4, 2022
The Christian and His Private Life - Video
March 2, 2022
Starting with the Lord's powerful words against the scribes and Pharisees, Pastor Charlie speaks about a critical issue in the life of Christians - having the outside match the inside. Many Christians look righteous on the outside, but in their private life, they practice many wicked things. Using practical examples from daily life, this powerful and insightful teaching challenges Christians and their marriages to live a holy life for God. ...
The Christian and Humility 01 - Who is the Greatest
April 28, 2022
This is the 1st video of a series of messages on "The Christian and Humility." Starting with the humorous verse - Numbers 12:3 - Pastor Charlie shows how no one can claim that he/she is truly humble. Isaiah 57:15 and 66:1-2 show that only humble people can dwell with the exalted Lord. Using the gospel of Mark, we see how Jesus challenged the disciples to move away from pride and its competitive spirit, and embrace humility and...
The Christian and Humility 01 - Who is the Greatest - Audio
April 28, 2022
This is the 1st audio of 20-message series on sexuality immorality (fornication). In this audio, Pastor Charlie defines the word, "fornication," from the dictionary, the Latin and Greek languages, and from the Bible. Exactly what is fornication? Teacher: Pastor Charlie Avila.
The Christian and Humility 02: Humble Yourself
July 17, 2023
The Christian and Humility 03 - Esteem Others Better Than You - Audio
May 10, 2022
This is a verse by verse teaching of Philippians 2:1-11 by Pastor Charlie Avila. The video verse is available on YouTube under the same title.
The Christian and Humility 03: Esteem Others Better Than You
July 17, 2023
This is the 3rd video teaching in the Christian and Humility Series by Pastor Charlie Avila. This is a verse by verse teaching on Philippians 2:1-11. The audio version is also available on our website,
The Christian and Humility 04: Clothed with Humility
July 18, 2023
The Christian and Humility 05: Pride and Humility in Proverbs
July 18, 2023
The Christian and Humility 06: God Humbles Those Who Walk in Pride
July 18, 2023