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Healing Ministry of Jesus Series of Messages
May 5, 2017
These 9 audio teachings cover every one of the 26 healing miracles performed by Jesus Christ in the gospels. It includes a PowerPoint file with all the related paintings or graphics of the healings. Also, we added the audio and written teaching, "The Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ" to this section.
Healing the Sick Series of Messages
May 9, 2017
These are 8 audio teachings on physical healing. It includes written teachings and PowerPoint files. See also the "Healing Ministry of Jesus" for more teachings on this important subject.
Hearing the True Voice of God - Audio
May 10, 2020
In this audio teaching, we remind ourselves what Jesus, Paul, Peter, Jude, and John truly said about the "last days." They did not paint a flowery picture. They said that deception, wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, persecution, mockers, scoffers, false prophets, false Christs, perilous times, and lawlessness were coming. With the many messages given today focused on our happiness and positive attitude, we...
Hearing the True Voice of God - Video
May 10, 2020
This video includes a complete Sunday Service with praise and worship, communion, announcements, an encouraging word to mothers, and a sermon by Pastor Charlie. In the sermon, we remind ourselves what Jesus, Paul, Peter, Jude, and John truly said about the "last days." They did not paint a flowery picture. They said that deception, wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, persecution, mockers, scoffers, false...
Hebrews Chapter 11 Part 1
May 22, 2023
Hebrews Chapter 11 Part 2
June 6, 2023
Hebrews Chapter 11 Part 4
June 13, 2023
Hebrews Series of Messages
May 4, 2017
This is a series of audio messages on every verse of the first 5 Chapters of the Book of Hebrews. There are 9 MP3 audio messages in this series along with a PowerPoint file for the Rest of God message in Chapter 4.
Hell Series of Messages
May 9, 2017
These audio and written teachings deal with hell and the afterlife. Many today are promoting universalism and other false teachings. See also the series of messages under "Heaven & Hell" in the Seminar section.
Holiness Series of Messages
May 8, 2017
This series of 5 audio teachings on the subject of God's holiness and holiness in the life of Christians. Includes an important study on the tabernacle of David.
Holy Spirit - Be Filled With The Spirit - Audio
December 11, 2017
This is a verse by verse teaching of Ephesians 5:15-21 where we seek to understand what Paul meant when he commanded us to "be filled with the Spirit." Paul wanted the Ephesians to walk in wisdom, not as fools, but understand what the will of the Lord is so they would redeem the time. We are commanded not to be drunk with wine, but to be filled with the Spirit, by speaking to one another in song, worshiping the Lord from the heart,...
Holy Spirit - My Body Gods Temple - Audio
December 4, 2017
Jesus Christ was the first to teach of a physical body being a temple in John 2. Paul said that God was building a spiritual house that would be a dwelling place of God by the Spirit. Peter said we were living stones in God's house, a holy priesthood, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. We then go to 1 Corinthians 3 and 6 to see how the Corinthian church was the temple of God by the Holy Spirit. Finally, we go to 2...
Holy Spirit - Spirit Versus Flesh - Audio
December 17, 2017
In this important teaching, we look at how the power of the flesh is no match for the power of the Holy Spirit. The Corinthians church was flowing in all the gifts of the Spirit, but they were not bringing forth the fruit of the Spirit. In chapter after chapter of 1 Corinthians, we see just how carnal they were - envy, strife, division, sexual immorality, drunkenness, idolatry, fornication, false doctrine, and pride. We then look at that...
Holy Spirit - The Promise of the Spirit Through Faith - Audio
November 27, 2017
This is a detailed study of Galatians 3:1-14. Paul exhorts the "foolish Galatians" to remember how they received the Holy Spirit - that they began with the Spirit, God gave them the Spirit, and God worked miracles through them by the Spirit through faith. Why were they foolishly going back to the works of the law and live under a curse.
Holy Spirit Series of Messages
May 4, 2017
These 11 MP3 audio teachings focus on the person and work of the precious Holy Spirit. It also includes a written PDF teaching on the Holy Spirit and prayer.
Homosexuality - Thinking Biblically About Homosexuality - Audio
June 19, 2018
Pastor Charlie addresses a group of teens about homosexuality. What did everyone call homosexuals before the 1900's? What does the Bible teach us about homosexuality in the book of Genesis? Why did the law of God condemn homosexuality in Leviticus? What did the apostle Paul teach us about lesbians in Romans 1? What did the apostles Peter and Jude say about Sodom and Gomorrah in their letters? How should a NT believer treat...
Homosexuality Series of Messages
May 8, 2017
These audio and written teachings address perhaps the most critical social issue of our time - homosexuality. Includes teaching on Sodom and Gomorrah, lesbians and homosexuals, answering Pro-Gay Theology, a Christian Manifesto on Homosexuality, and the vile passions taught by the apostle Paul.
Honor Your Mother - Audio
May 4, 2017
This audio teaching was given on a Mothers Day service. Starting with the famous commandment in the Ten Commandments of Exodus 20, we look at the power honoring your mother. Moses added some important words when the commandment was given the second time in Deuteronomy 5. If we obeyed this commandment, God promised long life and that it would go well with us in everything we do. Paul affirms this commandment in Ephesians 6, showing that...
Humility versus Pride Series of Messages
February 1, 2018
This is the area of greatest spiritual warfare. To be proud is to be like Satan himself; to be humble is to take on the nature of Jesus Christ. In this series of messages we look at the power of humility and the destruction of pride.
Hunger Games - Thirsty For Jesus - Audio
May 4, 2017
How can a Christian who is unmotivated, lacks hunger and thrist, get motivated in the things of God? The Virgin Mary said that God always fills the hungry with good things, but sends the rich (full) away empty. The famous Psalm 42 was written by a man who thirsted for God like a deer pants for the water brooks. Psalm 63 says that our soul longs for God like if we were in a dry and thirsty land where there was no water. Isaiah promised that the...