
Watch and Pray - Audio
October 24, 2017
When Jesus comes, He does not want to find us asleep spiritually. We must be awake, alive, and ready for His appearing. In this study out of Mark 13, we look at the 2nd Coming of Jesus in great glory and power with all the angels. When Jesus comes He will bring judgment on the wicked but He will rescue those who are His. We can "know" for sure that He is coming. But we will "not know" when He is coming - so we have to...
Water Baptism Series
May 5, 2017
These messages include instruction on water baptism in the New Testament in audio, written, and even Spanish versions.
We Give Him Thanks
December 1, 2021
Weariness in the Christian Believer - Audio
October 21, 2019
In this important teaching, Pastor Charlie relates how Christian believers should view and handle weariness and fatigue. Isaiah 40 says that God never faints or grows weary. We can renew our strength in Him. Jesus said come to Me all who are weary and burdened. Hebrews 12 says we are to look to Jesus lest we become weary and discouraged in our souls. He brings up Esau as a person who was weary and sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. ...
Weariness in the Christian Believer - Video
October 21, 2019
In this important teaching, Pastor Charlie relates how Christian believers should view and handle weariness and fatigue. Isaiah 40 says that God never faints or grows weary. We can renew our strength in Him. Jesus said come to Me all who are weary and burdened. Hebrews 12 says we are to look to Jesus lest we become weary and discouraged in our souls. He brings up Esau as a person who was weary and sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. ...
What Does Love Have to Do With It
March 24, 2021
This is the powerful teaching of what love really is with examples of different kinds of love. Biblical accounts of the difference between disobedience (Saul) and its effects; and obedience (Abraham) and its rewards. Leonor shows what true love really is by showing slides of how Jesus agonized in the Garden and the agony and pain of His unrecognizable body as He hung on the cross, enduring the shame because of His great unconditional love....
When God is Seemingly Absent - Pastor Ryan Davis - Audio
April 16, 2018
In this insightful teaching, Pastor Ryan Davis teaches from the Book of Esther on how to worship God in the midst of trials and tribulations. He challenges us to remain faithful to God when we don't think that He is working. In Esther's story, while God is not mentioned by name, He is working out His plan of salvation for Esther, Mordecai and the Jews. Sharing personal and biblical stories, Pastor Ryan speaks to the heart of our trust in...
When God is Seemingly Absent - Pastor Ryan Davis - Video
April 17, 2018
In this insightful teaching, Pastor Ryan Davis teaches from the Book of Esther on how to worship God in the midst of trials and tribulations. He challenges us to remain faithful to God when we don't think that He is working. In Esther's story, while God is not mentioned by name, He is working out His plan of salvation for Esther, Mordecai and the Jews. Sharing personal and biblical stories, Pastor Ryan speaks to the heart of our...
When God Speaks!: Liz Baines — Video
September 10, 2020
We had prepared for a retreat expecting to meet Him at the mountain to. We then experienced a global pandemic. What mountains are found in scripture? Mt. Ararat, Mt. Carmel, At. Olivet. God has met us at mountain tops, but it is in the walk up and thru the rising seas. It is not just His revelation on the mountain but it is what He is speaks to us on a daily basis. He speaks to us in the moments by moments of our lives. Scripture focus is:...
Who Do We Ask For Help - Audio
September 4, 2019
In this strong teaching from 2 Chronicles 14:1-15, Pastor Rick Avila looks at the life of King Asa as he faced a million man army. Asa sought the Lord, obeyed God's commandments, threw down idols, and trusted God for deliverance. God loves it when we trust Him in everything. Pastor Avila shows the awesomeness and greatness of God by looking at God's incredible creation in the heavens and vastness of the universe. The video...
Who Do You Ask For Help - Video
September 4, 2019
Pastor Rick delivers a powerful word of God's awesome power and ability in creation. In this strong teaching from 2 Chronicles 14:1-15, Pastor Rick looks at the life of King Asa as he faced a million man army. Asa sought the Lord, obeyed God's commandments, threw down idols, and trusted God for deliverance. God loves it when we trust Him in everything. Pastor Avila shows the awesomeness and greatness of God by looking at...
Whom God Calls - Audio
November 11, 2019
In this powerful and insightful message, Pastor Rick starts with Mark 3:13-19 to show how and why God calls. We only want to move into areas of ministry where God is calling us. There are ways that appear right to a man, but in the end, they are the ways of death. Using one biblical and personal example after another, Pastor Rick shows that we just need to do what God has called us and gifted us to do. We are like parts of the body, where...
Whom God Calls - Video
November 11, 2019
In this powerful and insightful message, Pastor Rick starts with Mark 3:13-19 to show how and why God calls. We only want to move into areas of ministry where God is calling us. There are ways that appear right to a man, but in the end, they are the ways of death. Using one biblical and personal example after another, Pastor Rick shows that we just need to do what God has called us and gifted us to do. We are like parts of the body, where...
Whom The Lord Loves He Corrects - Audio
May 5, 2017
Hebrews 12:6 says, "For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives." The Lord disciplines every son that He receives into the family of God. There are no exceptions. All of us need correction from God. In this systematic study, Pastor Charlie goes through the 5 main passages of Scripture that speak of God's correction in our lives. He does a verse-by-verse study of Deuteronomy 8:5-6, Psalm 89:30-34,...
Whom The Lord Loves He Corrects - Written
May 5, 2017
We believe in the love of God. God loves us with His powerful and passionate agape love. All of us need to believe and know this love. However, His love is not always "positive" and "wonderful," because the Bible says that "whom the Lord loves, He corrects." In this written teaching, Pastor Charlie looks at perhaps the 5 most important sections of the Bible that speak of God's correction in our lives. Starting with Deuteronomy 8:5, he teaches...
Why Bad Things Happen To Good People - Audio
May 5, 2017
One of the most famous questions that Christians would like to ask God is "Why do bad things happen to good questions." Solomon actually stated this truth in Ecclesiastes 8:14. We also give the brief history of many people who suffered many troubles at the hands of wicked people like Naboth, Naomi, Moses, Joseph, and John the Baptist. We also define why the Bible teaches that no one is good but God alone. Truly, there are none...
Why Bad Things Happen To Good People - PowerPoint
May 5, 2017
This is the PowerPoint file for the MP3 audio teaching above by the same title. This file includes are the verses used in the teaching and any quotes. There are a total of 18 slides in the PowerPoint file.
Why Go Back - There Are Consequences - Audio
December 30, 2019
In this convicting message, David Olvera uses the parable of the sower in Mark 4 to warn all Christians that to go back to your old ways has very bad and negative consequences. There are many things that can come into our lives that choke the Word and cause it to be unfruitful. The lusts of the flesh, the deceitfulness of riches, and the worries and cares of this world strangle God's Word. Using the examples of Israel in the...
Why Go Back - There are Consequences - Video
December 30, 2019
In this convicting message, David Olvera uses the parable of the sower in Mark 4 to warn all Christians that to go back to your old ways has very bad and negative consequences. There are many things that can come into our lives that choke the Word and cause it to be unfruitful. The lusts of the flesh, the deceitfulness of riches, and the worries and cares of this world strangle God's Word. Using the examples of Israel in the...
Why God Tests Man 01 - The Foundation - Audio
May 17, 2020
This is the first teaching in a series entitled "Why God Tests Man." We lay a foundation for the other teachings by examining the five elements in all tests from Deuteronomy 8. The Lord tests us to humble us, to know what is in our heart, for obedience, to reveal His supernatural provision, and in all tests, God leads us to place where there is lack so He can show His amazing plan. The video teaching is also available here. ...