
Sitting At the Feet of Jesus - PowerPoint
May 6, 2017
These are the PowerPoint slides for the above audio teaching on "Sitting at the Feet of Jesus." It is a verse-by-verse study of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42. These slides include all the quotes, references, pictures, and definitions used in that audio teaching.
Slaves of God or Slaves of Sin - Audio
February 28, 2021
This is a verse by verse teaching of Romans 6:11-23. The “doulos” was a slave who was bought, and thus, the property of another. This only law was to do his master’s will. That is the word Paul uses nine times in Romans 6 to describe people who are either “slaves to God” or “slaves to sin.” We are dead to sin and alive to God. We are to present our members as instruments to God not instruments to sin. We are under grace not...
Slaves to God or Slaves to Sin – Video
February 28, 2021
This video includes a full service with praise and worship, announcements, and a message on Romans 6:11-23 on true and false slavery. The “doulos” was a slave who was bought, and thus, the property of another. This only law was to do his master’s will. That is the word Paul uses nine times in Romans 6 to describe people who are either “slaves to God” or “slaves to sin.” We are dead to sin and alive to God. We are to present...
Sovereignty of God Elections, Kings and Presidents 01 - Audio
November 22, 2020
After a very contention and difficult election here in the United States, many Christians were disappointed and disillusioned with everything. It also caused a lot of division among well-meaning and well-intented believers. Pastor Charlie points us to God's sovereign rule over kings and nations. He highlights four key aspects of God's sovereignty - 1) God does whatever He pleases, wants or desires, 2) Jesus is the King over all...
Sow to the Spirit - Audio
January 31, 2021
This is a verse by verse study of Galatians 6:1-10. Pastor Charlie shows from Paul’s writings in Galatians just how practical and down to earth “walking in the Spirit” or “living in the Spirit” can be. In these ten verses, we see that sowing to the Spirit involves restoring brothers, bear burdens, rejecting pride, walking in humility, bearing your own load, giving to your teachers/church, sowing to the Spirit, and doing good to all...
Sow to the Spirit – Video
January 31, 2021
This video includes a time of praise and worship, a word of encouragement from Gene Sauceda, a message on Galatians 6:1-10, and some important announcements. Pastor Charlie shows from Paul’s writings in Galatians just how practical and down to earth “walking in the Spirit” or “living in the Spirit” can be. Doing a verse-by-verse study of these ten verses we see that sowing to the Spirit involves restores brothers, bear burdens,...
Speak Don't Be Silent – 01
June 27, 2022
Speak Don't Be Silent – 03
August 4, 2022
Speak Don't Be Silent – 04
August 4, 2022
Speak Don't Be Silent – 05
August 11, 2022
Speak Don't Be Silent – 06
August 15, 2022
Speak Your Servant is Listening - Audio
April 30, 2018
In this strong teaching, Pastor Charlie speaks at the "Igniting the Flame" conference on hearing God's voice and how this is critical to following Jesus, fellowshipping with Him, and how to discern God's calling and ministry. Using many personal stories and Bible illustrations, he breaks down the critical aspects of hearing His voice and obeying it.
Speaking the Truth in Love
September 16, 2021
Pastor Charlie give a message about speaking the truth in love. Sunday 12th of September 2021
Speaking the Truth in Love: Ezekiel
October 1, 2021
Pastor Charlie continues his teaching on speaking the truth in love focusing on Ezekiel
Spiritual Gifts Series of Messages
May 9, 2017
These are audio and written messages on the gift of prophecy and speaking with other tongues.
Standing Between the Living and the Dead 01 - Audio
September 10, 2018
Examining the incredible story of Korah's rebellion, including the earth opening up and the 250 leaders burned with fire, Pastor Charlie looks at the 14,700 people who perished in the rebellion in Numbers 16:44-50. Aaron went quickly - he ran - to stay the plague that broke out. There is an urgency to reach today's generation with the gospel. Three times in Numbers 16, we see the words, "they fell on their faces." We...
Standing Between the Living and the Dead 02
September 17, 2018
Starting with Jesus's zeal over His Father's house, we talk about how zeal for "Your house is eating Me up." We look at all the current trends with transgenderism and homosexuality. They are all disturbing. Then we look at Phinehas the priest who "stood up and intervened" and stopped the plague against Israel because he took a javelin and killed Zimri and Cozbi in their rebellion against God. Paul spoke about...
Strength Perfected in Weakness - Audio
September 26, 2020
This is a verse by verse teaching on 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. Paul reveals perhaps the greatest spiritual experience of his remarkable life when he tells of his trip to the "third heaven" or "Paradise." He's been forced to boast about this by the Corinthians and the false teachers in their midst. But he concludes with powerful verses (7-10) to show how he was humbled, started pleading with the Lord, was told about the...
Strength Perfected in Weakness - Video
September 27, 2020
This is a verse by verse teaching on 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. Paul reveals perhaps the greatest spiritual experience of his remarkable life when he tells of his trip to the "third heaven" or "Paradise." He's been forced to boast about this by the Corinthians and the false teachers in their midst. But he concludes with powerful verses (7-10) to show how he was humbled, started pleading with the Lord, was told about the...
Strengthen the Brothers 01 - Audio
September 6, 2020
This video includes a praise and worship time at Clovis Christian Center, a missions presentation for Missions Sunday, a sermon on "Strengthen the Brothers, Part 1," and announcements. We first examine five verses in Acts 14-18 on how the early apostles “strengthened” the disciples, the brothers and the churches. Then we look at unsung heroes like Onesiphorus, Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus, and Philemon, who were used by God...